SEEC Network

Yarralinka Primary School is a proud member of the South East Education Community (SEEC) Network, a group of 11 local public schools who work together in partnership to deliver great opportunities for our students, staff and schools.

The SEEC Network comprises Southern River College and Thornlie Senior High School, as well as Ashburton Drive, Gosnells, Huntingdale, Seaforth, South Thornlie, Thornlie, Wirrabirra, Yale and Yarralinka Primary schools.

The vision of the SEEC Network is to provide quality education for all by:
Every child
Every day
In short, its schools working together to maximise impact for students in every classroom in the Network.

The SEEC Network has a student-focused approach with all professional capacity building and support linking back to improving student outcomes and in-class practices. Students further benefit through network initiatives and opportunities in the arts, STEM and physical education, and ensuring seamless and connected transitions and practices across our schools and partner secondary schools.